HomeFish shop management system project - Front end : visual basic 6.0 & Back end : ms access
Fish shop management system project - Front end : visual basic 6.0 & Back end : ms access
Fish shop management system project - Front end : visual basic 6.0 & Back end : ms access

Fish shop management system project - Front end : visual basic 6.0 & Back end : ms access

Product Description


The project titled as fish shop management system is developed in vb as front end and ms access as back end. The main aim of the project is to make a complete solution for fish sales system. This project has login module, fish details module, fish sales module, billing module, fish purchase module and reports module. The administrator should enter the username and password to enter into the project. If the username and password are mistake, it will say error message. If it is correct it will show next form. All fish details are entered in this module. The fish name, fish category, fish price and the stock of fish available are entered in this module. The fish details can be modified or deleted if the fish is not available in the shop. All fish accessories details are entered in this module. The accessories name, uses, price and the stock of accessories available are entered in this module. The accessories details can be modified or deleted if the accessories is not available in the shop. The fish provider’s details are entered in this module. The fish are purchased from the dealers. The dealer details like dealer name, address and contact numbers are entered in this module. The entered dealer details can be modified or deleted by the administrator. The fish sales details are entered in this module. The fish is selected from the list of fish available. The fish category and fish price is selected from the database and displayed in the form. The number of fish is entered in this form and the total price for the fish are calculated and displayed. The fish accessories details sales details are also stored in this module. The fish purchase details are entered in this module. The fish is selected from the list of fish available. The fish category and fish price is selected from the database and displayed in the form. The number of fish is entered in this form and the total price for the fish are calculated and displayed. The purchase will increase the stock of the particular fish in the shop. The fish shop employees details are entered in this module. The employee id, name, father name, address, phone, date of birth, qualification, job joining, salary and date of joining are entered in this module. The entered employee details can be modified or deleted by the administrator. All fish reports, fish stock reports and the sales reports are displayed to the administrator through this module.

Project details

Front end : Visual basic 6.0 (Not vb.net) Back end: MS Access Forms : 20 Project document : Yes Documentation : Yes


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